Our "oneback" methodology -- "observe, notify, evacuate, barricade, act, care and keep" drives our training seminars.


OBZ 101:  

This is seminar-based training for workplace preparedness and emergency safety measures for all of your employees.

The training seminar will give your employees the skills they need to preempt, deescalate and mitigate workplace violence and active shootings.

Duration: approximately two hours.

Training topics:

  • Threat recognition
    • Review of your workplace and potential threats
    • Early intervention and de-escalation techniques
    • Resources available for assistance in early intervention
    • Immediate action instruction for active threat incidents
    • What to expect from emergency responders
    • Post-incident considerations
    • Historical look at workplace violence

OBZ 201:

Managers and non-uniformed security involved with loss prevention and crisis management.

Scenario-based, tabletop training that allows us to take each participant through a series of emergencies.

Duration: approximately two hours.

Tabletop training exercises:

  • Participants will be led by our instructors through real-world incidents ranging from dealing with aggressive customers to assailants inflicting mass casualties.
  • These exercises will focus on early warning signs and options for intervention and de-escalation. 
  • Tabletop exercises will teach employees their roles in crisis management and the importance of teamwork. 

OBZ 301:

Uniformed security and mid-level managers who deal with loss prevention.

Scenario-based training with props and role players.

Duration: customized for your company in collaboration with your security team.

Scenario-based training exercises:

  • The events covered will be similar to the tabletop exercises, but participants will be placed in realistic events designed to test their response.
  • Instructors will monitor and control these very realistic training events to debrief the participants and reinforce the training goals.
  • Stress-induced training and open debriefs of the participants' performance will help form a bond in the workplace and a greater understanding of everyone's role.

OBZ 401:

Uniformed security with intervention weapons up to and including firearms.

Skill exercises and scenario-based training with props and role players. Intervention decision-making is stressed at this level.

Duration: customized for your company in collaboration with your security team.

Custom training:

  • Instructors will meet with staff and assess training level with intervention weapons and design a custom training program based on skill level and available options.